Warning Signs of Future Mother-in-Law Problems

In a recent poll, one quarter of divorced couples report that in-laws are “somewhat” responsible for their marriages ending, and the mothers-in-law get most of the blame. Finding a way to get along with your husband’s mother is crucial for the long-term success of your marriage. “People think ‘Once we get married, that will all go away.’ No, it won’t,” Dr. Phil says. If you want to know ahead of time if you’ll have in-law issues, read Dr. Phil’s warning signs:


  • Mother-in-law is insensitive; doesn’t respect boundaries
  • Mother-in-law is overly dependent on son for emotional and lifestyle support
  • Partner clearly puts mother-in-law needs/requests ahead of yours
  • Partner talks to mother daily; drops everything when she calls
  • Partner values mother’s advice and opinions over yours
  • Partner runs to mother when arguments occur
  • Mother-in-law attacks your character
  • Mother-in-law treats her son like he’s still a child/competes with you
  • During family gatherings, you’re overlooked or ignored by mother-in-law
  • Mother-in-law actively campaigns against your marriage
  • Dr. Phil

Fixing a Broken Marriage

It is not too late: You can rescue your relationship and reconnect with your partner. It may not be easy, but here’s Dr. Phil’s advice on where to even begin.

  • Recognize that you have the power to redefine the relationship. Even if you feel like a victim, you play a role in setting up what is and isn’t acceptable in your marriage.
  • Stop the ego-driven power struggle. Don’t be a “right-fighter.” Is it worth destroying your marriage so you can be right in every argument?
  • Make a promise to work on your marriage every single day — not just during the bad times, but also during the good ones.
  • Make a plan together to renegotiate the relationship. Even patterns that you’ve had for 20 years can be changed.
  • Your vows are about commitment, not method. If the methods you’ve been using aren’t working, it’s time to try new ones
  • Dr Phil


Much of life is spent getting out of bed. Fixing lunches. Turning in assignments. Changing diapers. Paying bills. Routine. Regular. More struggle than strut.
You thought marriage was going to be a lifelong date? You thought having kids was going to be like baby-sitting? You thought the company who hired you wanted to hear all the ideas you had in college? Then you learned otherwise. The honeymoon ended. But at the right time, God comes in the right way, He appears, so don’t bail out.
Don’t give up. He is too wise to forget you, too loving to hurt you. When you can’t see Him, trust Him. So what does God do while we’re enduring the pain? Mark 6:46 says, “Jesus prayed.” He prayed for His disciples when they were in the storm. And when He heard their cries, He remained in prayer. He’s praying a prayer right now that He Himself will answer at the right time.

“Jesus is able always to save those who come to God through him because he always lives, asking God to help them.” (Hebrews 7:24-25)

by Max Lucado


You Are His

God’s grace defines you!

Society labels you like a can on an assembly line. Stupid.  Unproductive. Slow learner.  Fast talker.  Quitter.  But as grace infiltrates, criticism disintegrates. You know you aren’t who they say you are.

You are who God says you are:  “spiritually alive.” Heavenly positioned, “seated with him in the heavenly realms.”  “One with Jesus Christ.”

Of course, not all labels are negative.  Some people regard you as clever, successful. But it doesn’t compare with being “seated with him in the heavenly realms!”  God creates the Christian’s resume!

Grace defines who you are.  The parent you can’t please is as mistaken as the doting uncle you can’t disappoint.

Listen, God wrote your story.  He cast you in his drama. You hang as God’s work of art, a testimony in his gallery of grace.

According to Him, you are His.  Period.

“And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.”  Ephesians 2:6

By Max Lucado

His Voice

There are a lot of lying voices that make “noise” in our world!  You’ve heard them.  They tell you to swap your integrity for a new sale.  To barter your convictions for an easy deal.  They whisper.  They woo.  They taunt.  They flirt.  They flatter.

“Go ahead, it’s okay.”  “Just wait until tomorrow.”  “Don’t worry, no one will know.”

The voices of the crowd!  The world rams at your door.  But Jesus taps at your door.  Scripture says, “the sheep listen to His voice.”  (John 10:2-4) The mark of a disciple of Jesus is the ability to hear the Master’s voice.

Which voice do you hear?  Let me state something important.  There’s never a time Jesus is not speaking.  Never a place in which Jesus is not present.  Never a room so dark, that the ever-present, ever-pursuing Jesus is not present.

Never!  If we will but listen to His voice.

By Max Lucado